The Total memory allocated to TDV Server can be updated from one of the following options depending on whether a script environment file (bat|sh) has been setup for the TDV instance at path "[TDV_Server_Install_dir]\conf\". If the only file present in the location is named as script_env.bat.sample or, then there is
no script file setup.
If the script environment file is not setup: (1) From TDV Studio > Administration > Configuration > Server > Memory > Update the value for
Total Available Memory (On Server Restart). Note: the value is determined as MB.
Tip: As per best practices it is recommended to set “Total Available Memory (On Server Restart)” to 85% of your total memory available on your machine only "if there are no other services running on the host machine of TDV". The configuration 'Total System Memory' will show the total physical memory on the TDV Server machine.
(2) Restart TDV Server.
(3) Re-open the Studio.
If the script environment file is setup: (1) Close the TDV Studio application
(2) Open the script_env.(bat|sh) file located at [TDV_Server_dir]conf path, and include the MIN_MEMORY and MAX_MEMORY for the java heap using the Xms and Xmx JVM flag. (Note that this value is in MB's).
Example for reference where the memory allocated will be 6GB:
set CIS_SERVER_VM_ARGS=-server -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=C:/Program Files/TIBCO/TDV Server 8.2-9980/logs -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200 -Xms6028m -Xmx6028m
Note: Make sure that 'rem' for Windows / '#' for Unix systems from the beginning of the line is removed. And that, you do NOT have spaces before or after the equal sign and you do NOT add double quotes around your new CIS_SERVER_VM_ARGS value.
Screenshot for reference:
(5) Restart TDV Server for the changes to take effect.
To verify the changes have taken effect, review the cs_monitor.out log file located at "[TDV_Server_Install_dir]/logs/" and similar entries would be seen:
INFO | jvm 1 | ServerPropertiesManager : Detected C:\Program Files\TIBCO\TDV Server 8.4-3880\conf\script_env.bat INFO | jvm 1 | ServerPropertiesManager : Detected CIS_SERVER_VM_ARGS environment variable overrides VM_ARGS INFO | jvm 1 | ServerPropertiesManager : Changing VM_ARGS to -server -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=C:/Program Files/TIBCO/TDV Server 8.4-3880/logs -Xms6028m -Xmx6028m INFO | jvm 1 | ServerBootArgs : INFO | jvm 1 | "C:/Program Files/TIBCO/TDV Server 8.4-3880/jdk/bin/java.exe" INFO | jvm 1 | -server INFO | jvm 1 | -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError INFO | jvm 1 | "-XX:HeapDumpPath=C:/Program Files/TIBCO/TDV Server 8.4-3880/logs" INFO | jvm 1 | -Xms6028m INFO | jvm 1 | -Xmx6028m
(6) Open the Studio and verify the new memory size.
Updated memory allocation can be verified from the value for configuration "Total Available Memory (Current)" OR from Studio > Manager > Memory > Total memory: Maximum. Screenshot for reference: