Administrator created 2 IDs - id1 and id2, and made them both developers under the enterprise workspace template.
id1 created a fex/Schedule, fex1, and shared it with everyone.
fex1 showed up in id2's shared content folder.
id2 can open up this fex in an editor and *in the editor* make a change and run the changed code, but id2 *cannot* save this shared fex/Schedule unless they do a 'save as' which creates a personal, unshared, copy from the shared fex.
id2 can copy this fex to create fex2/Schedule which is owned by id2 and is not shared. This fex can be permanently changed by id2 with the editor.
Or in simple terms:
Page no 361: Shared Resources
Page no 66, 67 - Sharing Content in ibi WebFOCUS