BusinessEvents compatibility with the Oracle JDBC driver
Article ID: KB0072702
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TIBCO BusinessEvents Enterprise Edition
This article intends to provide guidance on choosing an Oracle JDBC driver version for your TIBCO BusinessEvents applications.
Provides some notes on version compatibility between TIBCO BusinessEvents and the Oracle JDBC driver.
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JDBC driver compatibility depends primarily on the version of the Oracle database being used. Oracle does try to address compatibility questions HERE.
First, refer to the FAQ "What is the JDBC and RDBMS interoperability matrix or the certification matrix?". Here, Oracle states: "The recommendation is that JDBC driver version should always be either same as or higher than the Oracle database version in order to leverage the latest capabilities of the driver." Although the matrix itself doesn't reference any TIBCO products, that statement makes it clear that you can use a version of the jdbc driver that is newer than your Oracle database version. For example, the matrix shows that for Oracle 12.1, you can potentially use the very latest jdbc version (currently v21.1).
Also consider the FAQ "What are the Oracle JDBC releases Vs JDK versions?". This is important, because you must ensure you're using a version of the driver that supports your Oracle version as well as the version of the JDK making use of the jdbc driver jar. In the case of BE 6.x for example, that is JDK version 11. In the table shown for this FAQ, you can see that ojdbc8 and later support JDK 11.
Also refer to the ReadMe file for your BusinessEvents version. In the ReadMe file, we explicitly list certified versions of the Oracle JDBC driver jar. For example, the ReadMe for BE 6.1.1 lists the following compatible versions:
Oracle JDBC Thin Driver ojdbc8.jar
Oracle JDBC OCI Driver ojdbc8.jar
Oracle JDBC Thin Driver ojdbc7.jar
Oracle JDBC OCI Driver ojdbc7.jar
Although the versions noted in the ReadMe file would be our initial recommendation, you may try a newer version, so long it is compatible with the JDK being used by BusinessEvents and the version of the Oracle database you're using (as noted in the above link).