Issue can be addressed by applying the latest hotfixes for 12.0.x, 12.3.x and in service pack 12.0.4 and 12.4.
We do however, have a work-around for analyst and webplayer in case applying hotfix is not an option.
For Analyst Client:There is a setting called "WebViewDecouplingLongPollingDurationMilliseconds" which if set to -1 should disable the problematic code.
The setting can be found in Spotfire.Dxp.Main.dll.config located at ""C:\Program Files (x86)\TIBCO\Spotfire\**.*.*\Modules\Spotfire DXP Forms_56.0.****.****" for analyst. Search below:
<setting name="WebViewDecouplingLongPollingDurationMilliseconds" serializeAs="String">
For Web Player:You can update the setting WebViewDecouplingLongPollingDurationMilliseconds in service configuration files per the following documented steps:
1. Doc: Manually editing the service configuration files Step 3 of the above referenced process ("3. Edit the exported configuration files in a text editor or XML editor"), edit the ‘Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Host.exe.config’ with the following
2.Add in the following setting directly in the Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Properties.Settings section.
<setting name="WebViewDecouplingLongPollingDurationMilliseconds" serializeAs="String">
3.Save the file