In any case where there is no obvious or convenient expecter, dequeue directly and use the full Client API to perform the test.
ExampleIn this case where what is expected is a single tuple with a List(Tuple) field, where the list is unordered and only the size matters, use:
// Collect output tuples for the test
List<Tuple> output = outputStream.dequeue(1);
// Check for no tuples returned
if (output.isEmpty()){ throw new junit.framework.AssertionFailedError("Expected at least one tuple."); }
// Inspect the tuple and throw a JUnit error if the test fails
if (!output.get(0).getList("TupleList").size()==expectedTupleCount) {
String error = String.format("Expected %s tuples in TupleList field.",expectedTupleCount);
throw new junit.framework.AssertionFailedError(error);