How to list application template versions and deployed versions of a specific application?

How to list application template versions and deployed versions of a specific application?


Article ID: KB0072801


Updated On:


TIBCO ActiveMatrix Service Grid


When a specific BPM user application needs to be cleaned up, we will need to identify all application versions and all deployed versions of that application.

There might be some other requests to list all versions or all deployed versions of user application(s) or platform application(s).




How to list application template versions and deployed versions of a specific application?


All Supported OS Platforms


A) To list template versions of a particular user application:

You may access the "viewdata.jsp" page in your web browser:


here <admin_host> is the SystemNode machine's hostname, and <port> is the external HTTP Connector port (by default 8120).

Then click the "Adhoc HQL Query Interface" button at the upper right corner.

Provide the following HQL query and click the 'Execute' button:

  select appTemplateId 
  from ApplicationArtifact aa 
  where aa.appTemplateId LIKE '%<applicationName>%' 
  order by aa.appTemplateId desc 

To list template versions for user applications whose names start with 'com.tibco', you may use the query clause

  LIKE 'com.tibco.%'

To list template versions for all user applications, you may use 

  Like '%%'

B) To list all deployed versions of a particular application (may be user application or platform application), you may run the following queries:

HQL query:

  select distinct, dc.application.applicationTemplateVersion 
  from DeployedComponentInstance dc 
  where dc.uri LIKE '%<applicationName>%' 
  order by, dc.application.applicationTemplateVersion asc

Again we can use the 'LIKE' clause to list all deployed versions of all applications.

C) To list all applications and their versions:

Use SQL client to run against AMX Admin DB (this is not an HQL query)

  select distinct, application.e_id, application.APPLICATIONTEMPLATEVERSION
  from application
  inner join componentinstance ON application.e_id=componentinstance.application_application_e_id 
  order by, application.e_id asc;

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