How to resolve "Index 21 out of bounds for length 21" error in TIBCO Data Virtualization?

How to resolve "Index 21 out of bounds for length 21" error in TIBCO Data Virtualization?


Article ID: KB0073137


Updated On:


TIBCO Data Virtualization


After a product upgrade for a major version or hotfix, the TIBCO Data Virtualization (TDV) Server may have below log entries in its cs_server.log, and it may affect the KPI Metrics functionality:
ERROR [Status Reporter] 2021-08-31 17:42:13.743 -0700 StatusReporter -
---------------------- SUMMARY --------------------
Error [data--1]:
Cause: Index 21 out of bounds for length 21

The issue may happen due to a failure in the resetting of the system namespace when more than 1 node that is part of the cluster is started simultaneously, following a product upgrade or hotfix patch.

ERROR [main] 2021-08-29 10:13:27.045 -0700 CompositeServerModuleManager - Error resetting system namespace.
The resource named "/services/databases/users" of type "DATA_SOURCE" could not be saved. Another resource with the same name and type was created by another user or process.  [repository-1900004]
    at com.compositesw.server.repository.internal.RepositoryImpl.performThreeWayMergeOfContainerChildren(



This article details the steps in resolving "Index 21 out of bounds for length 21" error in the TIBCO Data Virtualization server.


All supported environments.


The issue can be resolved in the following ways:

(1) If this is a major version upgrade with hotfix, then uninstall the hotfix, apply GA (i.e., the base version) and then re-apply the hotfix

E.g., Uninstallation steps for 8.4 HF2 but helpful in terms of the context of the procedure.
 1. Shut down your running TIBCO Data Virtualization Services that have this hotfix.
 2. Run the rollback scripts (i.e. install/rollback_TDV_<component>_080400_HF-002_all.bat/sh) located in your TIBCO Data Virtualization installation directory.
 3. For the version you are going back to, reapply the corresponding patch or hotfix again.  In other words, unzip the patch/hotfix file under your TIBCO Data Virtualization installation directory.
    Example: Rollback to 8.4.0.GA from 8.4.0 HF-002
             a) stop all TIBCO Data Virtualization Services with 8.4.0 HF-002
             b) run "install/rollback_TDV_<component>_080400_HF-002_all.bat/sh"
             c) reapply 8.4.0 GA patch to your TIBCO Data Virtualization installation directory.
                If you don't have the 8.4.0 GA patch (i.e.,, then you can get it
This gets you to 8.4 GA. So you would still have to patch 8.4 HF2.

(2) If this is a major version upgrade with no hotfix, then reapply the GA.

Restart the TDV Server.