How to set Enterprise database for WebStatistica

How to set Enterprise database for WebStatistica


Article ID: KB0073256


Updated On:




The DSN information for Webstatistica may need to be updated in the below scenarios :
1. The Enterprise meta database was moved from one server to another
2. There is a need to point to a different Enterprise database that is non default DSN

3. When the user sees the error : Failed to connect to Webstaitsitca Enterprise database please contact your system administrator



This article details how WebStatistica can be pointed to a non-default Enterprise database


There are two ways of changing the Enterprise DSN for WebStatistica : 

Method 1: Using  WebStatistica Administration tool on the Application server.

   Note : This method maybe used even in legacy versions of Statistica (Version 10 and later) 
  1. Select All Programs >> Statistica [version] >> Webstatistica >>Administration. Alternatively, simply type "Administration" in windows search bar. 
       2. In the Statistica server configuration dialog, expand WebStatistica >> Main Site [Server name] >>Settings >> Other  (or All) in the left pane.  

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        3. Double click on SEWSSConnectionString setting. If this value is blank, it implies that Statistica is using the default DSN (Enterprise Meta Database) that was used during installation.    
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      4. Put the DSN, user, and password in the “Value” field in the following format :   DSN=SEWSS;UID=Enterprise;PWD=******

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  This information should match the DSN in the lower half of the Statistica Enterprise login dialog.

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           5. Launch Control Panel >> System and Security >> Administrative Tools >>Services or simply type services.msc in Windows Run or Search box. Find the service named WebStatistica.  R
e-start the WebSTATISTICA service for the DSN changes to take effect.

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Method 2: Updating Default DSN

     Note : This method can be followed on Statistica version 12.5 and later only

     The default DSN can be changed from the Enterprise login screen on the application server.  This method will update the registry underneath the hood. 

          1. Login to the application server as a user with administrator privileges.

          2.  Right click on the Statistica icon on and hold down the shift key until the login window opens (if integrated login is enabled). Select Run as administrator

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         3.    Enable the option "Set as default System DSN " and then click OK. 

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         4. Restart the WebStatistica service as detailed in Method 1, Step 5.