How to update/change certificate for Configuration Manager UI on a TIBCO Cloud API Management - Local Edition cluster?

How to update/change certificate for Configuration Manager UI on a TIBCO Cloud API Management - Local Edition cluster?


Article ID: KB0072643


Updated On:


TIBCO Cloud API Management - Local Edition


The steps below are for a CAPIM-LE Cluster on Docker+Swarm and should be modified as per the environment.
The documentation chapter "Preparing KeyStores for Configuration Manager" also has the below steps to be performed on via tml-installer's Jenkins UI.


This article provides inputs on updating/changing certificate/keystore for the Configuration Manager UI(CM-UI) on an existing CAPIM-LE cluster.


All Supported Platforms


> There are four files that need to be updated:
- tml-cm.jks
- tml-cm-crt.pem
- tml-cm-key.pk8
- tml_cm_properties.json

> Get the new certificate and key in the below formats:
- tml-cm.jks
- tml-cm-crt.pem
- tml-cm-key.pk8
(this way yml and env files need not be updated)
-> Please make sure the store password for the jks as well as .pk8 are same.
-> Also the store password and entry password for tml-cm.jks should be the same.

> Update the keystore password in tml_cm_properties.jks
"cm_keystore_password": "password"

> Place the above updated files inside the manifest flder

> Undeploy the cm pod: ./

> Deploy the cm pod: ./

- the default keystore password is changeme
- the password for my sample is: password
- Please see attached for reference


How to update/change certificate for Configuration Manager UI on a TIBCO Cloud API Management - Local Edition cluster? get_app