Issues with hawkhma process startup with Hawk 5.x versions

Issues with hawkhma process startup with Hawk 5.x versions


Article ID: KB0094796


Updated On:


TIBCO Silver Fabric


While using Hawk 5.x versions, users have noticed that the hawkhma process does not startup. This is because of the new variables that were added in starthma with standalone Hawk 5.x.


This KB article explains the work around for hawkhma process not starting up while using Hawk 5.x version. This applies to all TRA based Silver Fabric enablers (this means any enablers for which you select TRA, Hawk and RV versions from the dropdown menu on component configuration wizard).


Workaround for this issue is to edit the configure.xml on the enabler as below (note that this change can also be made at component level using configure.xml on each component):-

1) Go to Stacks > Enablers > Edit Enabler > Edit the Configuration File (do the same for all enablers for which you are using Hawk 5.x versions). Add below four regex patterns:-
<regex pattern='%TIBCO_HAWK_HOME_ESC%' replacement='${container.getJavaPropertiesPathValueForTIBCO_HAWK_HOME()}/${container.getMajorMinorProductVersion("HAWK")}'/>
       <regex pattern='%TIBCO_HAWK_ROOT_ESC%' replacement='${container.getTibcoDomainDataHome()}/tra/${container.getTraContainerBean().getTibcoDomainName()}'/>
       <regex pattern='%TIBCO_RV_HOME_ESC%' replacement='${container.getJavaPropertiesPathValueForTIBCO_RV_HOME()}/${container.getMajorMinorProductVersion("RV")}'/>
       <regex pattern='%TIBCO_AS_HOME_ESC%' replacement='${container.getJavaPropertiesPathValueForTIBCO_AS_HOME()}/${container.getASVersion()}'/>
2) Save & Finish and publish the enabler changes.

Note that if you decide to make this change on the enabler level, you will have to restart all the component(s) using that particular enabler for the changes to take effect.