Module not yet registered / Module not found

Module not yet registered / Module not found


Article ID: KB0073985


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At application start-up, a custom module is not registered and the included resources such as data models and Java extensions are unavailable.

In the kernel.log, while EBX starts, we can see such messages:

2017-12-29 09:23:42,029 CET WARN log.kernel 1034:0046 [ebx-boot] Module TEST not yet registered. Try #14/17, will retry in 500 ms.
2017-12-29 09:23:42,544 CET WARN log.kernel 1034:0046 [ebx-boot] Module TEST not yet registered. Try #15/17, will retry in 500 ms.
2017-12-29 09:23:43,058 CET WARN log.kernel 1034:0046 [ebx-boot] Module TEST not yet registered. Try #16/17, will retry in 500 ms.
2017-12-29 09:23:43,557 CET WARN log.kernel 1034:0046 [ebx-boot] Module TEST not yet registered. Try #17/17.
2017-12-29 09:23:43,557 CET ERROR log.kernel 1034:0046 [ebx-boot] Module 'TEST' not found, home class loader is:


Module not yet registered / Module not found


EBX versions until 5.8.1

In such a case, a common issue is that the module does not have enough time to register when using EBX versions prior to EBX 5.9.

If many web applications and/or modules are deployed on the application server, or if the registration of some of them is particularly lengthy, it is recommended to set the following property to a longer time than the default value in configuration file.

## When the application server is started, all web applications declared as
## EBX5 modules have to register. This property
## specifies the estimated time in seconds taken by the application server
## to deploy all its web applications at startup. Beyond this time,
## if a required module has not yet registered, it is considered to be absent
## and an error is reported to 'kernel' log.
## Default is 30 seconds.

If the issue still persists after updating the timeInSecondsForModuleRegistration property, please refer to the documentation that describe how to declare and register a custom EBX module and verify if all the steps have been performed.

EBX versions from 5.9

Since EBX 5.9, this behavior has changed. EBX waits indefinitely for the module when starting unless the module is listed in the ebx.module.undeployedModules property of the main configuration file.

You can find in the following a sample of messages logged in the kernel.log file when such an event occurs :
021-01-11 09:55:12,644 CET INFO   log.kernel 1103:0036 [ebx-manager-docIndexing] Indexing EBX(TM) documentation done.
2021-01-11 09:55:15,465 CET WARN   log.kernel 1103:0036 [ebx-boot] Module [ebx-addon-daqa] not yet registered, waiting...
2021-01-11 09:55:19,498 CET WARN   log.kernel 1103:0036 [ebx-boot] Module [ebx-addon-daqa] not yet registered, waiting...
2021-01-11 09:55:23,526 CET WARN   log.kernel 1103:0036 [ebx-boot] Module [ebx-addon-daqa] not yet registered, waiting...
2021-01-11 09:55:27,556 CET WARN   log.kernel 1103:0036 [ebx-boot] Module [ebx-addon-daqa] not yet registered, waiting...
If the module [ebx-addon-daqa] is not deployed, then update the property [ebx.module.undeployedModules] in file.

Additional Information

Module declaration and registration
EBX 5.9 release notes