Oracle LogMiner CDC adapters will not work in Oracle 19c

Oracle LogMiner CDC adapters will not work in Oracle 19c


Article ID: KB0074831


Updated On:


TIBCO Streaming


We are getting CDC LogMiner adapter error with Oracle version 19c. Applications are working fine with Oracle 18c. 
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_LOGMNR", line 72
ORA-06512: at line 1
java.sql.SQLException: ORA-44609: CONTINOUS_MINE is desupported for use with DBMS_LOGMNR.START_LOGMNR.
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_LOGMNR", line 72
ORA-06512: at line 1

Can you please help to confirm the compatibility of the CDC LogMiner adapters with Oracle 19c?


3rd-Party Functionality Change


The TIBCO Streaming CDC LogMiner adapters:
  • Oracle CDC LogMiner Connection Adapter
  • Oracle CDC LogMiner Parser Adapter
will not work in Oracle 19c. 

Oracle states here:
"The continuous_mine option for the dbms_logmnr.start_logmnr package is desupported in Oracle Database 19c, and is no longer available. The continuous_mine functionality of the LogMiner package is obsolete. It was deprecated in Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2). There is no replacement functionality."

Some alternatives available when using TIBCO Streaming are:
  • send to Streaming directly from the systems supplying data into Oracle,
  • poll the tables with a regular JDBC Query Read operator for changes from the last polled timestamp,
  • create an Oracle trigger on each table that uses Java and the Streaming Java Client API to enqueue changes to Streaming via an Input Stream

Additional Information

Database / Oracle / Oracle Database / Release 19
  Database Upgrade Guide