Use case: There are 2 tenants in the OMLR/FOM system, T1(default) and T2. Submitted orders end up in the right tenant. The encountered problem is that TDS queries related to T2 sent by a process component end up in T1 which is the default tenant.
This KB deals with a use case where TDS requests(getPlanItem, GetPlan …) are not processed properly by FOM/OMLR when the request is related to a non default tenant.
To avoid the issue, the TENANTID tag with the appropriate value must be added in the TDS request message so that it will be processed properly. For example, see attached TDS_Req_Example.xml file that shows that TENANTID is added in the TDS header massage:
JMSTimestamp=mar. avr. 20 12:03:44 269 CEST 2021
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ns0:SetPlanRequest xmlns:ns0="" businessTransactionID="e14048f12aac42bca27bdb6611627b73">
The process component must be configured to provide TENANTID tag and its good value.