TIBCO Managed File Transfer Command Center/Internet Server 8.3.0 hotfix HF-008 is now available
Article ID: KB0101012
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TIBCO Managed File Transfer Command Center
Hotfix TIB_mftccis_8.3.0_HF-008 can be downloaded from TIBCO Support Portal (https://support.tibco.com).
You will need to provide your TIBCO Support Portal credentials. Once logged in you can download the hotfix by selecting the “Downloads” -> “Hotfixes” option. Then go to “/AvailableDownloads/MFT/CommandCenter-InternetServer/8.3.0/” to download the hotfix.
The .zip file has the Readme file inside. Please unzip the file and review the Readme file for instructions on how to apply the hotfix.
This hotfix is cumulative. This is the eighth hotfix for TIBCO Managed File Transfer (MFT) Command Center 8.3.0 and TIBCO Managed File Transfer (MFT) Internet Server 8.3.0.
================================================================================ Closed Issues in 8.3.0_HF-008 (This Release)
MFCC-6509 After installing MFT hotfix 8.3.0_HF-006, the fips.sh/bat script failed with the following error: "NoClassDefFoundError".
MFCC-6476 When a SAML logon request was received without an AttributeStatement, the login failed with the following error: IndexOutOfBoundsException.
MFCC-6475 When a SAML user logged out, the jSession was not deleted.
MFCC-6468 When sending files to a user and when the Full Name user definition was an empty string, the Mailbox Send File failed.
MFCC-6467 When a user was created through a Send File or File Share request, when the Password Rules "Uppercase and Lowercase Required" was set to "Yes", and when the Password Rules "Perform Checking" was set to "Admin", the user was not created.
MFCC-6285 When using java 15 and above, FTP/SFTP/PS Retrieve Key failed with the following error: "Could not find class: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com/sun/security/cert/internal/x509/x509V1CertImpl".
MFCC-6203 When transferring transfer files to different S3 buckets, Amazon S3 transfers could not switch or assume roles.
MFCC-6154 CMA/CMS did not include the version information.
MFCC-6113 The "Search Recipients" box did not return users defined as "Mailbox Power", "Mailbox Full", or "Mailbox Guest".
MFCC-6080 The Update Transfer help page did not include "Restrict Transfer by IP Address or IP Name" and their related parameters.
MFCC-5983 CMA/CMS was upgraded to the newest Tomcat version (9.0.54).
MFCC-5707 There was no defined right to Stop Server, Start Server, or Get Status of Transfer Servers. Stopping and starting services require AdministratorRight.
MFCC-3010 When the Mailbox and FileShare Repository Server enabled or disabled PGP encryption, no warning was displayed.
================================================================================ Closed Issues in 8.3.0_HF-007
MFCC-6173 Apache Tomcat was upgraded to version 9.0.54.
================================================================================ Closed Issues in 8.3.0_HF-006
MFCC-6065 When the target server was Google Cloud, directory listing returned only 1000 files.
MFCC-6028 When there were multiple pages in the "Transfers By Target Server" chart, the Transfer Dashboard was not working as designed.
MFCC-5923 When using CMA during a hotfix installation, the initial connection received an exception after hanging for approximately 60 seconds, after which the hotfix installion was successful.
MFCC-5898 When executing a Virtual Alias to Virtual Alias transfer, directories defined in the source file name were incorrectly included in the #(NODRIVE) token.
MFCC-5849 FileShare browser was unable to download complete file that was uploaded to FileShare(PGP enabled repository) by Platform Server initiator.
MFCC-5834 The Lockout Management timestamps displayed the same time for Lockout Time and Scheduled Release Time when Lock Duration was set to 0.
MFCC-5781 When a PPA was configured to delete a file on a failed transfer, the PPA delete failed when the target server was FTP or Azure.
MFCC-5747 Email notification failed when the SMTP Server was configured to require the StartTLS command.
MFCC-5741 When the Change Password REST call failed, a typo was displayed in the error message.
MFCC-5740 No idle timeout was set for SSH Server connections when SSH Pooling was set to "No".
MFCC-5735 Transfer definitions could not be restricted by the IP Address of the originating client.
MFCC-5731 The JSON response to the admincc searchJobs and getJob REST calls returned invalid data.
MFCC-5730 The JSON response to the admincc listTemplates REST call returned invalid data.
MFCC-5729 The JSON response to the admincc getAllResponderProfilesFromBank REST call returned invalid data.
MFCC-5726 When tokens #(D##), #(FL##), #(FR##) or #(Q##) were defined for the Add/Update Transfer, the following error message was displayed: "Unsupported token <token name> in Server File Name for upload definition"
MFCC-5725 On the Add/Update Job page, no action was executed for job types: Purge DB Tables and Purge Log Files
MFCC-5713 The following error message was displayed frequently in the catalina.out: "Internet Server Error: JMSUtil.convertAudit2XML - failed to find value match for tag: ZOSAllocationType, value:"
MFCC-5709 No command line options were available to execute clouddbsetup actions.
MFCC-5678 The Database Report "Transfer Report by Server" totals did not match the sum of the individual transfers.
MFCC-5613 On the browser Inbox and Sent Items page, "Advanced Search" was incorrectly displayed as "Advance Search".
MFCC-5600 An option to exclude users or IP Addresses from being locked out was not available.
================================================================================ Closed Issues in 8.3.0_HF-005
MFCC-5705 After applying hotfix 8.3.0_HF-004, when a group server credential was defined, Command Center requests (for example, node) failed and the following message was displayed: "Platform Server user and/or password not defined. Create server credential for user user-name and server server-name".
MFCC-5704 When the transfer definition was updated with SOAP API, the following error message was displayed: "org.xml.sax.SAXException: Invalid element in AdministratorService.Transfer - maxFileSize"
MFCC-5703 Apache Tomcat was upgraded to version 9.0.44.
MFCC-5696 After applying hotfix 8.3.0_HF-001, when integer values were not enclosed in double quotation marks, the POST/PUT calls failed in the REST API.
MFCC-5693 When a REST POST request specified an invalid schema element, the call failed with HTTP Code 500 and the following message was displayed in the catalina.out file: "Could not find exception type for given ExceptionMapper".
MFCC-5685 Platform Server-initiated transfers were not retried and the following message was displayed: "Exception occurred during file eligibility checking". Note: This case was resolved in hotfix 8.3.0_HF-004 but was not included in the 8.3.0_HF-004 readme.
MFCC-5676 When a browser user added multiple SSH or FTPS keys, the request failed and the following message was displayed: "Failed to add SSH key. This key already exists in the database".
MFCC-5672 BouncyCastle crypto libraries were upgraded to version 168.
================================================================================ Closed Issues in 8.3.0_HF-004
MFCC-5695 After applying hotfix 8.3.0_HF-003, the following message was displayed in catalina.out: "exception parsing xfer limit: -1, ex: null, value: null".
MFCC-5694 When a transfer user ID was a member of more than two groups that had server credentials defined for the target server, transfers failed to the target server and the following error message was displayed: "userid is a member of more than one group mapped to nodename".
MFCC-5692 When an SFTP client connected to Internet Server, and if a database error occurred while building the virtual directory, the thread falls into a loop.
MFCC-5691 When connections were established to the FTP control port and no data was received, the thread was not released.
MFCC-5655 When a password reset was performed, the password reset request was not invalidated.
MFCC-5653 The User definition "Date Last Accessed" was not updated when a user logged into the admin pages.
MFCC-5652 The "script-src" and "unsafe-inline" parameters were removed from the Browser Client and redoc HTTP Content Security Policy Header.
MFCC-5646 When the default SSH algorithms were used instead of the algorithms defined in the web.xml file, the transfer to target SSH servers hung intermittently.
MFCC-5639 On the admin landing page in "Recent Activity", transfer statistics were incorrectly displayed as "Command Center".
MFCC-5637 When performing transfers to target SSH servers, the transfer failed and the following error message was displayed: "Packet integrity error/Protocol error: expected packet type 30, got 34".
MFCC-5632 When a download transfer definition was created or updated, the Server File Name parameter incorrectly allowed tokens like: #(ClientFileName).
MFCC-5580 When a browser refresh was performed on the File Transfer Browser Client "History" link, the history was not displayed properly.
MFCC-5362 When an audit search for Platform Transfers was performed and "Transfer Id" was defined, the following error messaged was displayed: "Unknown column FILEID".
================================================================================ Closed Issues in 8.3.0_HF-003
MFCC-5651 After applying hotfix 8.3.0_HF-001 or 8.3.0_HF-002, an issue occurred when setting Content-Security-Policy in the HTTP header.
MFCC-5638 Apache Struts was upgraded to version 2.5.26.
MFCC-5634 When using an Oracle database, transfers failed with the following error: "Caught an exception IO Error: Operation interrupted"
MFCC-5627 The File Transfer Rest call did not check the file transfer rules defined in the transfer definition.
MFCC-5619 When the Admin page retrieved diagnostics from an Internet Server or Command Center, the following error message was displayed: "The reference to entity "component" must end with the ';' delimiter"
MFCC-5618 When a transfer user ID was a member of two groups that had server credentials defined for the target server, transfers failed to the target server and the following error message was displayed: "userid is a member of more than one group mapped to nodename"
MFCC-5614 When using Chrome to authenticate using SAML, the login failed and the user was redirected back to the login page.
MFCC-5610 When using the Browser Transfer Client, history requests were slow because audit index was not used.
MFCC-5600 No option was found to exclude users and IP addresses from being locked out due to invalid credentials.
MFCC-5579 No option was found to restrict the max file size for a file upload.
MFCC-5567 When a 1024-bit private key was assigned to a transfer or server definition, the request failed with error "key size of 1024 bits is not supported"
MFCC-5566 When a transfer failed, the client ciphers were not written to the audit record.
MFCC-5565 Password lockouts for a user were incorrectly released by a successful key authentication.
MFCC-5560 Received ClassNotFound exception when executing promote.bat and promote.sh scripts.
MFCC-923 Outgoing SFTP transfers were unable to use SOCKS5 proxy servers. Note: Server Status will show a connection failure for SSH Servers that use SOCKS5 or HTTP proxies
================================================================================ Closed Issues in 8.3.0_HF-002
MFCC-5598 When changing the keystore password in the keystorepwd.sh utility, a "NoClassDefFoundError" exception for class XMLUtil was received.
MFCC-5595 After upgrading to 8.2.1_HF-002 or 8.3.0, MFT client connections to target SSH servers failed with one of these error message: "EOF received from remote side" "The host key signature is invalid" "Failed to process key exchange"
MFCC-5594 Apache Tomcat was upgraded to version 9.0.39.
MFCC-5593 jAdaptive SSH client and server engine was upgraded to version 1.7.33.
MFCC-5592 Changes to the SSH client idle timeout were not applied until the MFT server was restarted.
MFCC-5591 Transfers initiated by Platform Server to Internet Server did not retry when transfers to a target SSH Server failed with the error message: "Connection lost: The SFTP connection has been closed."
MFCC-5587 When the file to be uploaded exceeded 15MB, file uploads to Google Storage and Google BigQuery hung intermittently.
MFCC-5581 When database connections were terminated, logins and file transfers failed. Note: Three new web.xml parameters were added: ValidationInterval: Defines the interval to wait after a database connection is validated before validating the connection again. Any numeric value is accepted, but we suggest setting the parameter no higher than 60 seconds or 60000 milliseconds. The default value is 30 seconds. ValidationIntervalTimePeriod: Defines if ValidationInterval is in seconds or milliseconds. Valid values are seconds and milliseconds. The default value is seconds. TestOnConnect: Defines whether a validation query is sent when a new connection is established. Valid values are true and false. The default value is false.
MFCC-5578 Changes to the server definition "Override JMS Service Configuration" parameter were not logged in the Admin Changes page.
MFCC-5571 FTP/S client PORT mode (ACTIVE mode) connections timed out while waiting for the data connection to be established.
MFCC-5568 Apache Tomcat was upgraded to version to 9.0.37.
================================================================================ Closed Issues in 8.3.0_HF-001
MFCC-5562 Apache Struts was upgraded to version 2.5.22.
MFCC-5557 When a string was passed to Window.setTimeout, it issued a JavaScript eval call.
MFCC-5556 The javascript eval functions were removed from the transfer and admin browser clients, and the web.xml file was updated to remove the content-security-policy "unsafe-eval" value.
MFCC-5555 Users could not be restricted from creating or transferring files with servers having "Server Type=LOCAL". Note: A new web.xml parameter was added that allows you to disable the ability to create or transfer files with servers having "Server Type=LOCAL": AllowLocalServerDefinition={True|False} Default is "True" True: Allows transfers with existing servers having "Server Type=LOCAL". False: Does not allow admins to create server definitions with "Server Type=LOCAL", and does not allow transfers with existing servers having "Server Type=LOCAL".
MFCC-5551 During audit search, when the AS2 MDN Status check box was selected and the department was defined, the following error message was received: "Ambiguous column name 'Aux8'"
MFCC-5549 Connections to target SSH Servers using Key Exchange Algorithm "curve25519-sha256@libssh.org" failed with the error message, "The host key signature is invalid."
MFCC-5527 BouncyCastle libraries were upgraded to version 1.66.
MFCC-5523 The dashboard page did not indicate that the transfer charts were for Internet Server transfers only.
MFCC-5516 When a user uploaded a file to an AWS S3 bucket, the bucket owner did not get rights to the file.
MFCC-5509 When the collector was unable to find the last transfer collected, collection stopped for that server. Note: A new parameter (Reset Collection History) has been added to Manage Servers > Management Options > Platform Server Management Option. Reset Collection History - This parameter resets the collection history. It removes the last transfer ID collected from the collector, and collection resumes from the time the last transfer was collected.
MFCC-5505 REST data was not filtered for invalid characters.
MFCC-5504 When files were uploaded to the backend Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2, warning messages were displayed in the console: "org.glassfish.jersey.client.internal.HttpUrlConnector.setOutboundHeaders"
MFCC-5503 When ZLIB compression was used, Platform Server client transfers that were restarted to the backend Platform Server failed.
MFCC-5501 When a Platform Server initiated a transfer to Internet Server to a target Platform Server for z/OS with CRC enabled, checkpoint restart failed with the error message: "CRC Mismatch - Transfer terminated with error"
MFCC-5500 When server credentials were configured in the server definition, transfers to target AS2 servers failed with the error message: "Unknown config property name "uuuuuuuu""
MFCC-5497 When "Server Credentials" were defined for the transfer user, connections to Azure Storage failed.
MFCC-5490 SSHTools was upgraded to version 1.7.31.
MFCC-5488 Even when an invalid session ID was passed, the "Delete Session" FT REST call returned success.
MFCC-5474 When a StorageException error message was received for an Azure request, adequate information about the error was not displayed.
MFCC-5316 The percentage complete displayed during LDAP sync of a single user was incorrect.
MFCC-5308 When an SCP client closed the connection, MFT was not notified causing a thread to remain active even after the connection was closed.
MFCC-5121 When Java 11 running in FIPS mode was used, MFT DB Reports received an exception.
MFCC-3428 When uploads to a target Hadoop server were initiated, TMP files were created under the logs\trace. ================================================================================
TIBCO Managed File Transfer Command Center/Internet Server 8.3.0 hotfix HF-008 is now available