TIBCO iProcess Objects Server HotFix 05 is available.

TIBCO iProcess Objects Server HotFix 05 is available.


Article ID: KB0106223


Updated On:


TIBCO iProcess Objects Server Not Applicable


Product Name    : TIBCO iProcess Objects Server
Release Version    :
Release Date    : March 2007
See next section for issues resolved since the initial 10.5.0 GA release.
See appropriate Readme document for specific platform details.
Closed Issues since 10.5.0:

  * CR 19840
    The CDQP cache counter is not being reset to zero, which prevents
    threads from getting exclusive access to the counter. This is
    causing transactions to fail.
  * CR 19819
    The procedure cache on the iProcess Objects Server is not being
    properly updated after a procedure is imported.

  * CR 19725
    The TIBCO iProcess Objects Server is very slow starting.
  * CR 19652
    When querying cases and asking for case data to be returned, the
    TIBCO iProcess Objects Server generates a HeapAlloc error and returns a -10 error to the client.

  * CR 19392
    Refreshing a pageable list of work items with the swUpdateWithDelta flag always returns a
    status of swPLChanged.

  * CR 19289
    Sorting work items on CDQPs does not work.
  * CR 19175
    When setting a case to a suspended state (e.g., with the
    setCaseSuspended method), field names and values that are passed
    with the method call may be silently ignored.
  * CR 19174
    When asking for all case data fields for a case, the fields are
    returned based on the current procedure, even if the case is from
    an older version.
  * CR 19167
    If an error occurs when closing a socket, the error will not
    be detected.
  * CR 19166
    Various log messages are displaying an incorrect error number.
  * CR 19165
    Filter strings that search for work items that do not have an arrival date or time set, do not work.  
  * CR 19164
    The number of work queues a user can access is limited to 32,767.
    Corrected. The number of work queues a user can access has been
    increased to 2,147,483,647.
  * CR 19153
    If a user's password is expired, and the password is changed, but
    the SAL session is not closed, the next login with the new password fails.

  * CR 19110
    If CDQPs are updated (using the "swutil QINFO" command) while the
    TIBCO iProcess Objects Server is running, all of the CDQPs added
    may not be processed.

  * CR 19077
    The TIBCO iProcess Engine is returning management report fields
    (which are no longer used) in procedures. This can cause
    problems in the client when the procedure is run or the
    procedure definition is read.

    Corrected. The TIBCO iProcess Objects Server will now skip any
    occurrences of the management report field and write the following
    message to the log if a management report field is encountered:
    "found management field type for &ltfield_name> of &ltprocedure_name>
    field type no longer supported so not caching the field".

  * CR 19076
    When creating a stateless work item (e.g., makeWorkItem method),
    the TIBCO iProcess Objects Server always references the CDQP cache
    for the user's personal queue, even when creating a work item from
    a group work queue. This can cause an error when referencing the
    CDQP values for the work item. (Note - This was thought to be fixed
    in CR 18175, but the problem still existed on UNIX systems.)

The TIBCO iProcess Objects Server for HP-UX Itanium HotFix 05 can be downloaded from our support-ftp.tibco.com. You will be able to download by clicking on the link below after you provide your TIBCO Support Web username and password in the url:


Directory path:


TIBCO iProcess Objects Server HotFix 05 is available.


Product: TIBCO iProcess Objects Server Version: 10.5.0 OS: --------------------


TIBCO iProcess Objects Server HotFix 05 is available. get_app
TIBCO iProcess Objects Server HotFix 05 is available. get_app