Tips for Troubleshooting TSSS Installation with R engine

Tips for Troubleshooting TSSS Installation with R engine


Article ID: KB0071144


Updated On:


Spotfire Statistics Services


A user reports that TSSS runs fine with the default TERR engine, but when they try to use an R engine it will not work.


Tips for Troubleshooting TSSS Installation with R engine


Product: TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services Version: All supported versions OS: All supported operating systems --------------------


Confirm that TSSS and R have the same bitness, (32 or 64), as they must match.

Request the following information to compare to the TSSS installation guide instructions:

-- The log files in your SPSERVER_HOME/tomcat/logs directory.
-- The file located at SPSERVER_HOME/conf
-- Please open the R installation and run the following lines of code and send the output:


Unix/Linux specific questions:
-- Please send in your SPSERVER_HOME/init.d/spserver file.
-- If you built R from source, it must be configured with the option –-enable-Rshlib.  Please make certain that it did have this option set if you did build your R from source.

Windows specific questions:
-- A screenshot of your SPSERVER_HOME\tomcat\bin\<service_name>w.exe showing the –Dspserver.rhome setting in the Java tab.