How to resolve "com.compositesw.cdms.webapi.WebapiException: backup_import requires a composite backup car file." while importing a resource in TIBCO Data Virtualization?

How to resolve "com.compositesw.cdms.webapi.WebapiException: backup_import requires a composite backup car file." while importing a resource in TIBCO Data Virtualization?


Article ID: KB0071764


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Products Versions
TIBCO Data Virtualization All supported versions


When the backup_import utility is used to import a CAR file that contains just a resource rather than having a full server backup, the below exception message is seen on the terminal/command prompt:
" com.compositesw.cdms.webapi.WebapiException: backup_import requires a composite backup car file."


This article explains the exception message which might pop up on the terminal/command prompt while importing a resource in TIBCO Data Virtualization.


All supported environment


  • The backup utility is used to import a CAR file that contains a full server backup.
  • To import a CAR file that merely contains a resource, one must use the "pkg_import" utility instead of "backup_import"
  • To execute both the utilities, one must locate to the <TDV_Server_Install_DIR>/bin and then run the below commands.
  1. pkg_import.bat -server localhost -pkgfile C:\Users\aakash\Downloads\ 9550 -user admin -password Tibco2020
  2. backup_import.bat -server localhost -pkgfile "C:\TIBCO\TDV Studio 8.1\bin\" -port 9550 -user admin -password Tibco2020 -domain composite -encryptionPassword 123456 

If one tries to import a CAR file that contains a resource using the backup_import.bat would see the below in the command prompt/terminal:

User-added image

So, one must use the pkg_import.bat to avoid the above error message:

User-added image

  1. "" is a CAR that contains just one resource - 'ViewOrder', which is a view in TIBCO Data Virtualization under the examples folder in the Studio. However, is the CAR that contains a full server backup for TIBCO Data Virtualization 8.1
  2. backup_import.bat and pkg_import.bat is used in the Windows command prompt however in the case of the Linux terminal, one must use and