What is the timestamp format that can be used with TIBCO Data Virtualization's System APIs?

What is the timestamp format that can be used with TIBCO Data Virtualization's System APIs?


Article ID: KB0072622


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Data Virtualization All supported versions


This article talks about the timestamp format that can be used with any of the TIBCO Data Virtualization's System APIs. 


What is the timestamp format that can be used with TIBCO Data Virtualization's System APIs?


The timestamp format that works with TDV System APIs is the "ISO 8601" format.
Example for the ISO 8601 format timestamp: 2021-12-02T14:10:36.278Z

Implementation example:  
System API used here: /services/webservices/system/admin/resource/operations/designProcedureByExample
<resource:designProcedureByExample xmlns:resource="http://www.compositesw.com/services/system/admin/resource" xmlns:execute="http://www.compositesw.com/services/system/admin/execute">

Note: For this System API, each input parameter must be encapsulated separately between the <parameter> </parameter> tags.