How to use OAuth 2.0 with Published web services in TIBCO Data Virtualization 8.5?

How to use OAuth 2.0 with Published web services in TIBCO Data Virtualization 8.5?


Article ID: KB0072639


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Data Virtualization 8.5


There are 4 types of Authentication mechanisms that can be defined to access a Published Web Service in TDV:
1. Basic
3. Negotiate
4. Bearer Token(OAuth)

This article describes the steps to use OAuth Authentication with the Published web services


This article describes the steps to required to configure OAuth for Published Web Services


All supported platforms


The below steps can be followed in order to use OAuth with TDV published Web Services:

1. Create an OAuth Domain by following the instructions mentioned in the "OAuth Domain Administration" section of the Administration Guide.
2. Publish a resource as a web service.
3. For accessing the resource as a REST and ODATA Service using OAuth, you need to set the "Enable HTTP Bearer" option to True.
4. At the client end, you need to set the Authorization to Bearer and provide the appropriate access token to access the service.

Note 1: SOAP Services do not Support OAUTH currently in TDV.
Note 2: You can refer TDV Administration Guide link in the reference section.

Additional Information

TDV 8.5 Administration Guide