How to connect with TIBCO Data Virtualization using JDBC from Python Notebooks?

How to connect with TIBCO Data Virtualization using JDBC from Python Notebooks?


Article ID: KB0072311


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Data Science Team Studio 6.6


This article explains the steps that will help to connect with TIBCO Data Virtualization using JDBC from TIBCO Data Science Team Studio Python Notebook.


This article explains how to connect with TIBCO Data Virtualization using JDBC from TIBCO Data Science Team Studio Python Notebook.


Linux based.


1. Login to TIBCO Data Virtualization server and download csjdbc8.jar file from <TDV installation directory>/apps/jdbc/lib/.
2. Upload the csjdbc8.jar file to the Notebook server and copy it to the notebook installation directory.  (generally /opt/notebooks) 
3. In the notebook installation directory create a text file and store the password for the TDV user using which user wants to make a TDV connection.
eg. password.txt
4. Open a Python Notebook on the Team Studio server and install the JayDeBeApi package:
>pip install JayDeBeApi
5. Use the following sample code for connection:
import jaydebeapi
import pandas

os.environ["CLASSPATH"] = "/opt/notebooks/csjdbc8.jar"
with open("/opt/notebooks/password.txt") as passwd_reader:
    tdv_pwd =
sparkdb_url = "jdbc:compositesw:dbapi@<TDV server IP>:<TDV JDBC port>?unsupportedMode=silent&domain=composite&dataSource=Data&enableFlood=false&traceLevel=all"
with jaydebeapi.connect("cs.jdbc.driver.CompositeDriver", sparkdb_url,
                        ["tsuser", tdv_pwd], "/path/to/csjdbc8.jar") as tdv_conn:
    df = pandas.read_sql('select * from "Datasets_S3"."addbatchtestdata.csv"', tdv_conn)


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