What are the ways to know the exact TDV version after performing an in-place upgrade?

What are the ways to know the exact TDV version after performing an in-place upgrade?


Article ID: KB0072215


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Data Virtualization 8.4,8.5,8.5.1


While we perform in-place upgrades from the older TDV version to new releases. The TDV service name and the start menu studio names don't get updated to match the current TDV version, which might create confusion in recognizing the TDV version installed on the machine.


What are the ways to know the exact TDV version after performing an in-place upgrade.




Hence, to get the exact TDV version we can follow the below-mentioned methods:
  • Go to the logs directory and search the version in the cs_server.log file. You'll get the exact TDV version present on the machine currently (refer to the below screenshot).
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  • Another method is to navigate to the help >> about section in TDV studio (client) and detailed version info is displayed here.
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