How to connect to Gsuite using email adapter in TIBCO Data Virtualization ?

How to connect to Gsuite using email adapter in TIBCO Data Virtualization ?


Article ID: KB0071985


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How to connect to Gsuite using email adapter in TIBCO Data Virtualization ?


1. Turn on the setting "Allow Less Secure Apps" by logging into your Google account and clicking on 

User-added image
2. Launch TDV Studio and right click on folder of choice to create New Data Source.

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3. In the New Physical Data Source dialog, pick Email and click Next. 

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4.   Name the data source. Fill in POP Server details and Port and SMTP Server and Port details from Gmail account. At the time of writing, this was 
           POP Server :
          Port :995
          SMTP Port: 25
Note : Username needs to be the email address. 

Enter your Google credentials and other details as per settings in environment (Example firewall settings\SSL Settings etc, if any) and click on Create and Introspect / Create & Close. If Create &Close was chosen, the data source can be opened and Test connection can be clicked on as highlighted to ensure that TDV is successfully establishing a connection to the gmail server. 

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