Why does executing a backup import script with a verbose option give a "User does not have sufficient privileges to delete resource '/services/databases/users" message?

Why does executing a backup import script with a verbose option give a "User does not have sufficient privileges to delete resource '/services/databases/users" message?


Article ID: KB0071684


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Data Virtualization All supported versions


This article explains why a backup import script, when executed in TIBCO Data Virtualization with a -verbose option gives the below message in the output:

"User does not have sufficient privileges to delete resource '/services/databases/users"



Why does executing a backup import script with a verbose option give a "User does not have sufficient privileges to delete resource '/services/databases/users" message?


When we add the -overwrite flag along with the -verbose flag to the backup_import when executing in TDV, we see the above message in the output. 

Example of the backup_import script with -verbose and -overwrite flags:
[TIBCO_Install_Dir]/bin> backup_import.bat -server <server_name/ip_address> -port <port_no> -user admin -password <admin_password> -encryptionPassword <password_of_the_FSB_used_when_export> -pkgfile <path_where_the_bkup_file_is_located_on_the_server>.car -overwrite -verbose

Screenshot for reference:
User-added image

The above message means that the existing users will be retained (i.e. they will not be over-written by the import). If there are any new users as part of the import, they will be added to the existing list. 

This message would not impact any import process and can be ignored.