How to resolve the error message: "User 'nobody/composite' has insufficient privileges to update /shared" when refreshing a cache?

How to resolve the error message: "User 'nobody/composite' has insufficient privileges to update /shared" when refreshing a cache?


Article ID: KB0071480


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TIBCO Data Virtualization All Supported versions


When attempting to refresh a cache an error message may appear in the cs_server.log if the resource owner is "nobody/composite" user.
Caused by: com.compositesw.common.api.ApiException: User "nobody/composite" has insufficient privileges to update "/shared", on line 1, column 52. User has no privileges for that resource. [repository-1900341]
Note: The nobody user is a special user who cannot be assigned rights or made a member of groups. As this user doesn't have any rights and is also not considered as a part of admin we would need to change the resource owner to "composite/admin" in order to create a proper cache system. This user usually gets created when the user is deleted or there is no specific user existing that was present earlier which marks them as unassigned.


In this article, you will discover the steps to troubleshoot the error message: "User "nobody/composite" has insufficient privileges to update /shared" when creating a cache.


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To address the error above modify the ownership of the "/shared" directory to the main administrator accounts and ensure that the change is applied recursively. Below are the steps outlined to change the resource ownership of the "/shared" folder:
  1. Right-click on the cached view that you want to modify.
  2. From Select the "Change Resource Owner" option from the dropdown menu that appears, which will open a new window.
  3. In the "Change Resource Owner" window, select the domain and the user for the new owner. Ensure that the selected user has the privileges to perform the required actions.
  4. Check the "Apply the change recursively" checkbox to apply the change to all subfolders and files within the cached view. Once you have selected the user and checked the "Apply the change recursively" checkbox (if needed), click on the "OK" button to save the changes.