Products | Versions |
Spotfire Data Science - Workbench | 14.0.0 |
While using the migration utility to migrate database objects from one environment to another encountering a warning "Users may not approve their own changes".
This is likely due to we are enabling System Options --> Version and Approvals --> Prevent users from approving their own changes at the time of migration of objects.
This can be resolved by :
Resolution 1: Log in as another user and approve those changes made by a user.
Resolution 2: If appropriate for the environment, system admins can consider disabling this option for normal users.
Resolution 3: If appropriate for the environment, consider temporarily disabling the option before the migration and enabling the option after the migration.
In 13.0, the System Options menu includes SDMS Integrations and it provides a checkbox to “Allow users to Approve their own changes.”
With the new version 14.0.X, the System Options menu does not have the "Allow users to Approve their own changes", but instead has the “Prevent users from approving their own changes” checkbox.