What privileges/rights are assigned to a user in TIBCO Data Virtualization if it is part of multiple groups?

What privileges/rights are assigned to a user in TIBCO Data Virtualization if it is part of multiple groups?


Article ID: KB0071195


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TIBCO Data Virtualization All Supported Versions


Often, a user may belong to multiple groups within a particular domain, each having distinct rights and privileges defined for them. In this article, we will explore the rights and privileges that the user will possess in such a scenario.


This article provides information about the user if it is added to multiple groups.




In this case, the user inherits all the privileges/rights defined for each group that it is a part of.
In the below example:
1) Group 1: All resources privileges (group_resources.png)
2) Group 2: All status privileges (group_status.png)

3) User has both the above group membership

4) Final User privileges(User_finalprivileges.png)


What privileges/rights are assigned to a user in TIBCO Data Virtualization if it is part of multiple groups? get_app
What privileges/rights are assigned to a user in TIBCO Data Virtualization if it is part of multiple groups? get_app
What privileges/rights are assigned to a user in TIBCO Data Virtualization if it is part of multiple groups? get_app