Products | Versions |
ibi WebFOCUS | App Studio 8206 |
After following the steps from the Manual - ibi™ WebFOCUS® App Studio Installation and Configuration Release 8206 launching App Studio network installer throws the following error:
Error Message:
Required COM interface is not registered: IAS_VC2012_8204M_WFSFILESystem.
FATAL error Application will terminate
Error Detail: Class not registered
Probable cause: Failed installation
App Studio was unable to load an interface and cannot continue
This is most likely caused by a problem with the installation or the removal of essential files from the installation.
1. To correct this issue for new installs and upgrades runfocshell.dat, file used by the network editions to register files at the client machines, needs to have the following entries removed:
2. During upgrades or 8205.14 and higher, files devstdpw.dat and wfscom.xml (if exists) need to be restored from ..\ibi\AppStudio82\backup_files\bin\ to ..\ibi\AppStudio82\bin\