How can the issue of TIBCO Data Virtualization misclassifying the Greenplum timestamp9_ntz (nanoseconds) data type as 'Other' instead of recognizing it as Timestamp be resolved?

How can the issue of TIBCO Data Virtualization misclassifying the Greenplum timestamp9_ntz (nanoseconds) data type as 'Other' instead of recognizing it as Timestamp be resolved?


Article ID: KB0070896


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Data Virtualization All supported versions


For Greenplum timestamp9_ntz (nanoseconds) datatype, TDV is not recognizing the data type as Timestamp/Datetime and is classifying it as 'Other '. So the data fetched has garbled values. Users have to manually set the data type to Timestamp when the table is introspected in TDV.


This article provides details about the solution to resolve the issue of TIBCO Data Virtualization misclassifying the Greenplum timestamp9_ntz (nanoseconds) data type as 'Other' instead of recognizing it as Timestamp


All Supported Operating System


1. Take a backup of Greenplum.capabilities file located under [TDV_Server_Dir]\apps\dlm\cis_ds_greenplum\conf

2. Open Greenplum capabilities file and search for #native-composite datatype mapping and add the below line: "jdbcds.datatype.timestamp9_ntz: timestamp"

3. Restart the TDV server

4. Reintrospect the resource and check the Greenplum timestamp9_ntz is introspected as a timestamp.