Show DBMS Objects not showing all synonyms and fexes for WebFOCUS Client adapter

Show DBMS Objects not showing all synonyms and fexes for WebFOCUS Client adapter


Article ID: KB0070663


Updated On:

Products Versions
ibi WebFOCUS 9.2.1



Users are encountering difficulties in accessing the complete list of web services in the WebFOCUS Client Adapter. The anticipated list should appear as follows:

User-added image


Users are experiencing a problem where they do not see the full list; instead, they encounter a partial list issue, with not all web services visible, as illustrated below:
User-added image


When creating a synonym for the WebFOCUS Client adapter, fewer synonyms are generated/displayed, leading to missing files such as get_schedule.fex and get_schedule.mas.


Windows Server 2016 - 2019


To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the administration console.
  2. Go to "Filters."
  3. Disable cross-site request forgery protection.

By taking these actions, users should be able to view the complete list of master files, including the crucial mas files, and successfully generate fex sample.