Can TIBCO Data Virtualization connect to OSI PI Historian ?

Can TIBCO Data Virtualization connect to OSI PI Historian ?


Article ID: KB0070544


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Data Virtualization All Supported versions


Yes. TIBCO Data Virtualization (TDV)  can connect to OSI PI. 

Prerequisites : 
​​​​​​​Install PI-JDBC_2010-R3 and PI SQL Data Access Server (x64)  


Can TIBCO Data Virtualization connect to OSI PI Historian ?


To connect to OSIPI from TDV, you would need a custom adapter. 

1. Place the PIJDBCDriver.jar file in  [TDV Installation directory]\conf/adapters/custom/osipi directory
2. In TDV Studio, create a new Data Source and click on "New Adapter" and choose Generic JDBC as the Parent adapter and name as OSIPI
3.  Enter "com.osisoft.jdbc.Driver" for Adapter Class Name and "jdbc:pisql://<HOST>/Data Source=<DATABASE_NAME>; Integrated Security=SSPI;" for Connection URL Pattern

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4. Click OK and define the PI Historian Host Name, Port , Database and login credentials in the next step.
5.  Introspect the data source to retrieve the tables.

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NOTE : TIBCO Support offers limited support when custom adapters are used.