Auto selecting an item in a double list box on load

Auto selecting an item in a double list box on load


Article ID: KB0070446


Updated On:

Products Versions
ibi WebFOCUS 8207.28.06


In multiple double list boxes on a html form want to automatically select certain columns on load and put them in the box on the right using a button click.

You can observe in the below screenshot that from the left list box multiple columns need to be transferred to the right using a button click:

User-added image





In multiple double list boxes on a html form want to automatically select certain columns on load and put them in the box on the right using a button click.




We can get similar effect using the App Studio JavaScript function, IbComposer_setCurrentSelection and using jQuery. 

Use App Studio HTML canvas and follow the below steps:

1. Created a new HTML and added a Double List control using the sample master file, GGSALES.mas as the field, SEQ_NO provides a lot of values.

2. Select each of the list boxes to find their IDs. In this case the left control is "customselect1_selectfrom" and the right pane is "customselect1_selectto".

3. Navigate to the 'Embedded JavaScript' tab.

4. Added the following under the window_onload function. 
var arr = [];

This will highlight the values we pushed into the array.

5. I then added the following jQuery function to clone the selected values and clone them to the right pane


Refer the below screenshots for reference:

User-added imageUser-added image

Additional Information

1)  Refer the below link to get a better understanding on Function: IbComposer_setCurrentSelection, page 524.

2) How to add multiple values from a select listbox to another listbox on click of a button using javascript function?