Script Error (Invalid character) Encountering While Testing Output Viewer Settings

Script Error (Invalid character) Encountering While Testing Output Viewer Settings


Article ID: KB0070195


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Description :
Getting the following error when testing the Output Viewer Settings (AppStudio, Options, Output Viewer Settings).
User-added image

Screen shot of error when we clicked on the Test browser setup button. This error only occurs when testing the Internal Viewer. Chrome and Edge tested fine with the same Test URL.


Script Error (Invalid character) Encountering While Testing Output Viewer Settings




Resolution :
The Internal Viewer is essentially an IE based browser. As we may know, IE is not a supported browser anymore. 
As of App Studio 9.2.0, the Internal Viewer has been removed from the product. Using Chrome, Edge or Firefox is the recommended browser for App Studio.
We have the option to continue to use it since the option is available in that release, however, it is an IE based browser. Since IE11 is no longer a supported browser, Tibco Support also will not be able to provide support to resolve any issues that may occur with the internal viewer. The recommendation is to use the modern browsers like Chrome, Edge or Firefox.