A user cannot see procedure changes made by another user in TIBCO iProcess Modeler when viewing the same procedure version

A user cannot see procedure changes made by another user in TIBCO iProcess Modeler when viewing the same procedure version


Article ID: KB0083202


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Products Versions
TIBCO iProcess Workspace (Windows) All supported versions


A developer user cannot see changes made by another developer user despite opening same procedure version. For example a user may add a field, step or any other definition change and save the procedure but when another user opens the same procedure version the changes are not visible.

The most likely cause of the problem is the local procedure definition files not being updated correctly which are located in the directory:


For example:


The problem has been seen when the pro.tsi on both client machines contain the same information. An example of the pro.tsi file contains the following:
v1,120,1,5,91,121 where 120,1 is the procedure number 5,91 is the procedure version 121 is the number of instances for the version. The problem may also be the procedure definition files have not been copied to the client machine correctly.


A user cannot see procedure changes made by another user in TIBCO iProcess Modeler when viewing the same procedure version


All supported operating systems


Delete the local procedure definition files from the client machine so the files are regenerated the next time the user opens the procedure. There is also a configuration change that can be made that will change the client and Modeler to not cache procedures. This would mean the local copies of the procedures are not used. To make this change you need to update the Procedure Caching checkbox using the iProcess Preference Editor swpref.exe. See “Using the iProcess Preference Editor” in TIBCO iProcess Workspace (Windows) Manager’s Guide.