ActiveMatrix Database adapter 7.x doesn't process the Date type data the same as the ActiveMatrix Database adapter 6.x

ActiveMatrix Database adapter 7.x doesn't process the Date type data the same as the ActiveMatrix Database adapter 6.x


Article ID: KB0081071


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Products Versions
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for Database 7.x


Below difference will be observed when test with ActiveMatrix Database 6.x and 7.x version:

When the data is published with ActiveMatrix Database 6.x adapter,
 e.g <dateTime>2017-04-06 00:00:00</dateTime>

When the data is published with ActiveMatrix Database 7.x adapter,
e.g <dateTime>2017-04-06T00:00:00</dateTime>

       Using ActiveMatrix Database 7.x adapter extra "T" is append with date.The reason is that ActiveMatrix Database 6.x is C++ based and run time works through ODBC interface, ActiveMatrix Database 7.x is implemented in Java and run time uses JDBC; as "ActiveMatrix Database 7.x code handles the adbDateTime AESchema type by evaluating the JDBC SQL datatype, for example, of DataBase datatype Date, it returns an instance as java.sql.Date and the adapter will convert the DateTime value through Calendar APIs.
        Thus, in ActiveMatrix Database 7.x, the Date datatype column value is processed and published with date only", while, ActiveMatrix Database 6.x publishes the Date datatype value via ODBC interface, and depends much on how the ODBC driver converts the date value.



ActiveMatrix Database adapter 7.x doesn't process the Date type data the same as the ActiveMatrix Database adapter 6.x


Product: TIBCO ActiveMatrix Adapter for Database Version: All supported 7.x versions OS: All Supported Operating Systems


To resolve this issue set property "adb.pubTimestampFormatAsISO8601=off in the adapter application .tra file