Advantages of TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Adapter/Plugin-in for SAP over the SAP Web Services

Advantages of TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Adapter/Plugin-in for SAP over the SAP Web Services


Article ID: KB0080024


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for SAP Solutions 7.x, 8.x


What are the advantages of TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Adapter/Plug-in for SAP over the SAP Web Services?


TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Adapter/Plugin-in for SAP has some more advantages than the SAP Web Services.


All supported platforms.


Below are some advantages of TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Adapter/Plug-in for SAP:

1) From SAP point of view, SAP web services are no longer in the roadmap. Even though the usage of IDocs, RFCs, and BAPIs may seem legacy they are still being used by SAP even in the case of SAP OData services.

2) TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Adapter/Plug-in for SAP provides connection management, error handling, and schema management. If you plan to do use SAP web services using BW then all of these features would need to be developed manually.

3) Performance is not suitable in the case of SAP web services.