After installing HF4 for 5.3.0 TIBCO BusinessEvents RMS server (Persistence type: SharedAll only) fails to start and hangs on recovery

After installing HF4 for 5.3.0 TIBCO BusinessEvents RMS server (Persistence type: SharedAll only) fails to start and hangs on recovery


Article ID: KB0083805


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessEvents Enterprise Edition 5.3.0HF4


RuleManagement Sever (RMS) hangs on startup after installing BE 5.4.0HF4 - persistence type is SharedNothing only.

The following warning(s) are reported in the log file.

<timestamp> <hostname> Info [ClusterCacheRecoveryManager.Thread.4] - [jdbcstore] Recovering ObjectTable from database, class=be.gen.WebStudio.Core.Events.WS_E_UpdateAssociatedDomainModelEvent
<timestamp> <hostname> Warning [ClusterCacheRecoveryManager.Thread.4] - [jdbcstore] Missing table mapping for be.gen.WebStudio.Core.Events.WS_E_UpdateAssociatedDomainModelEvent
<timestamp> <hostname> Warning [ClusterCacheRecoveryManager.Thread.4] - [jdbcstore] Failed recover-object-table
java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00903: invalid table name

Last RMS server logs (hang forever)

<timestamp> <hostname> Info [ClusterCacheRecoveryManager.Thread.15] - [jdbcstore.impl] Loading be.gen.WebStudio.Core.Concepts.RuleTemplateInstance.View.WS_C_View entries from D_WS_C_VIEW
<timestamp> <hostname> Info [ClusterCacheRecoveryManager.Thread.15] - [jdbcstore] ######## Pre-loaded class=be.gen.WebStudio.Core.Concepts.RuleTemplateInstance.View.WS_C_View instances=0 time=0h0m0s  [dbase=0 cache=0]
<timestamp> <hostname> Info [main] - [runtime.service] ## Waiting for RMS_Cache cluster recovery to complete


RMS server hang (waiting for cluster recovery to complete).


All Operating Systems Persistence type: SharedAll Version: BE 5.3.0 HF4


The TIBCO BusinessEvents hotfix installation has replaced the existing RMS.ear file with a new version (new entities added). The project located in BE_HOME/rms/project/BRMS was not updated. It is required to alter the database.

To create the SQL script to alter the backingstore:

- Comment out TRA properties to connect to the existing backingstore in be-jdbcdeploy.tra.
- Execute:
    $BE_HOME/bin/be-jdbcdeploy  --propFile $BE_HOME/bin/be-jdbcdeploy.tra -o <OutputFile> -c <CDDpath> <EARPath>
- Execute <OutputFile>_alter.sql script on the database.

Additional Information

See also: