fffThe issue that has verified as below is an expected behavior of the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for Database and TIBCO Administrator.
1.Deploy an TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for Database EAR on admin
2. Add or change TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for Database properties from adbagent.tra
3. Then undeploy the application and then deploy the application.
4. In the application.tra, it is taking default values stored from adapterinstence.aar-> advance tab
The adbagent.tra wrapper file provides the template property values that can be used for the deployment; however, the specific value set in the Administrator GUI will take the precedence over that in the adbagent.tra file.
After deployed the application, change any property value, below options can be followed,
a), update the property directly in the application .tra file
b), set the property value in the Admin GUI and re-deploy