After logging into TIBCO LogLogic LMI UI the drop-down menus do not display

After logging into TIBCO LogLogic LMI UI the drop-down menus do not display


Article ID: KB0079351


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO LogLogic Enterprise Virtual Appliance 5.6.x


When logging into the UI you may not see any of the drop-down menus on LMI. Sometimes when this occurs you can simply logout and log back in but when that does not work then the issue is most likely going to be caused by what is described below.

The database table MenuItemView is missing data (it may be entirely empty) and it must be re-populated. The easiest way to do this is to re-import from a working LMI system that is on the same version. 
If you do not have another LMI system then contact Tibco LogLogic Support.  


This article explains why and how to fix the issue of drop-down menus not being displayed upon logging into LogLogic LMI.


This issue has only been reported on high availability mode systems (HA) running version 5.6.x.  It's possible you can experience this issue on version 5.7.0 as well.  


To export the MySQL database table on a working system: 

1) SSH to the appliance as the user toor
2) At the command prompt type the following command to export the table:

$ mysqldump logappconfig MenuItemView --routines > miv.sql

You will need to SCP the file miv.sql to the non-working system. After that proceed to step 3.

3) SSH to the virtual IP Address of the HA cluster (VIP) as the user toor.
4) To import the MenuItemView table, execute the MySQL statement below:

$ mysql logappconfig < miv.sql 

Once you have imported the file miv.sql, logout of the UI and log back in. This change will automatically and immediately be replicated to the standby node.