Agent Memory Leak Using Net Change With Marketo

Agent Memory Leak Using Net Change With Marketo


Article ID: KB0078206


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Products Versions
TIBCO Cloud Integration - Connect ( Scribe ) -


The memory available on the server where the TIBCO Scribe® Online On-Premise Agent is installed may not be sufficient if Net Change is enabled while querying a Marketo entity.  When the Marketo API is queried, it does not return records in order by date. 

If the Net Change option is enabled on the Query Block to return only new and updated records, TIBCO Scribe® Online must request all records, sort them by date, and then locate only the new and updated records.  This process is done by the Agent in memory and affects the memory requirements of the server where the Agent is installed.

Depending on the volume  of records, the process can take a long time and give the appearance of a memory leak.

For more information on these Connectors see the following in the TIBCO Scribe® Online Help:


Using Net Change with either the Marketo SOAP or Marketo Connectors appears to cause an Agent memory leak .