Algorithm used by TIBCO LogLogic Lasso Enterprise for checking connectivity to remote agents

Algorithm used by TIBCO LogLogic Lasso Enterprise for checking connectivity to remote agents


Article ID: KB0077444


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TIBCO LogLogic Lasso Enterprise all versions


When Lasso Enterprise is collecting Windows events from remote computers it checks every five seconds to make sure that they are online. If a host doesn't reply, then Lasso checks in increments of powers of 5 (i.e. 5, 25, 125, 625, etc.). It increases exponentially until it reaches 24 hours. Then it will check at this interval for a week. If after a week of no replies the remote agent is still not online then Lasso Enterprise will stop checking to see if it is online and will also stop collecting Windows events.

To have Lasso resume checking for the remote host after a week of being offline requires restarting the Lasso service.


This article describes the algorithm used by Lasso Enterprise when it checks connectivity to remote agents.