All iProcess Engine processes appear to start except SPO that remains STARTING

All iProcess Engine processes appear to start except SPO that remains STARTING


Article ID: KB0078551


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Process Engine (Oracle) 11.6.1


When starting the iProcess Engine all the processes have a RUNNING state except for the SPO process that remains in a STARTING state.

The repeating error being reported in the swentobjsv01.log file is:

|LOG  |Waiting for the WIS processes to fully initialize
|ERROR|wait_for_WIS: WIS is not ready, waiting...
|ERROR|wait_for_WIS: WIS is not ready, waiting...

The output from the "swadm show_servers" reports the Machine Name in upper case. For example:

Machine ID     Machine Name   Master    Check Error Files   Machine Comment
1                       SERVER01       Y         Y                   Production Server

Performing a ping on the server itself results in:

ping SERVER01
ping: SERVER01: Name or service not known

However performing a ping using a lower case server name results in:

ping server01
PING server01 (nnn.nn.nn.nn) 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from server01 (nnn.nn.nn.nn): icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.017 ms
64 bytes from server01 (nnn.nn.nn.nn): icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.031 ms


When starting the iProcess Engine all the processes have a RUNNING state except for the SPO process that remains in a STARTING state.


Unix / Linux


The database value for the PHYSICAL_MACHINE_NAME column in the NODE_CLUSTER table needs to be updated to a lower case value:

"SERVER01"  ->  "server01"