All My Agents And Solutions Are Missing

All My Agents And Solutions Are Missing


Article ID: KB0078383


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Cloud Integration - Connect ( Scribe ) -


If you are logged into TIBCO Scribe® Online, but you cannot see any of your Solutions or Agents, you may be in the wrong Organization.  TIBCO Scribe® Online users can have access to multiple Organizations.  Users can create new Organizations and when first created, those Organizations are empty.  


You log into TIBCO Scribe® Online and there are no Solutions or Agents in the Organization.


Check the Organization name at the top of the screen to make sure you are in the correct Organization.  Select a different Organization by clicking the Organization Name and selecting the correct one from the list.  The Solutions for the selected Organization will display.   

For additional information, see the following in the TIBCO Scribe® Online Help: Changing Organizations

Note: This option is available only when using TIBCO Scribe® Online as a stand-alone product, not when using TIBCO Scribe® Online as part of TIBCO Cloud ™ Integration.  See TIBCO Scribe® Online And TIBCO Cloud ™ Integration for more information.