We have a created a sample Any To Any (A2A) transformation "XmlToRelational" with 3 output customer. Please refer the attached sample .car file containing the sample transformation.
To access the A2A with multiple output parameters in a script, basically just call it like any other procedure that produces multiple outputs. For example:
PROCEDURE p_UseThreeOutputsFromA2A(OUT c3 cursor(i integer, i1 integer)) BEGIN declare c1 cursor(i integer, v varchar(1024)); declare c2 cursor(i integer, i1 integer); --declare c3 cursor(i integer, i1 integer); call print('c1 cursor'); call /shared/Transformation/"Transform Use Cases"/XmlToRelational(c1, c2, c3); for r as c1 do call print(cast(r.i as varchar) || ' ' || r.v); end for; call print('c2 cursor'); for r as c2 do call print(cast(r.i as varchar) || ' ' || cast(r.i1 as varchar)); end for; END
There is a sample script added in the attached car file.