Any To Any (A2A) Transformation With Multiple Output Cursors

Any To Any (A2A) Transformation With Multiple Output Cursors


Article ID: KB0082270


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Data Virtualization 7.0.1 or after,


We have a created a sample Any To Any (A2A) transformation "XmlToRelational" with 3 output customer. Please refer the attached sample .car file containing the sample transformation. 

Sample Transformation With Multiple Output Cursors

To access the A2A with multiple output parameters in a script, basically just call it like any other procedure that produces multiple outputs. For example:
 PROCEDURE p_UseThreeOutputsFromA2A(OUT c3 cursor(i integer, i1 integer))     BEGIN         declare c1 cursor(i integer, v varchar(1024));         declare c2 cursor(i integer, i1 integer);         --declare c3 cursor(i integer, i1 integer); 		call print('c1 cursor');         call /shared/Transformation/"Transform Use Cases"/XmlToRelational(c1, c2, c3);         for r as c1 do             call print(cast(r.i as varchar) || ' ' || r.v);         end for; 		call print('c2 cursor');         for r as c2 do             call print(cast(r.i as varchar) || ' ' || cast(r.i1 as varchar));         end for;     END

There is a sample script added in the attached car file.


This article is described how to create Any To Any transformation with multiple output cursors and how to use it in the script.




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