This article describes the various application settings available for for Web Data Entry. The settings are available on Web Data Entry Server. To be able to view/change these application settings, the user must be an administrator on the Data entry Server.
Note : The defaults and the settings in this article correspond to Statistica version 13.4
This article describes the various application settings for Web Data Entry
1. Login to the Web Data Entry Server as an Administrator and Launch >> Control Panel>>System and Security>>Administrative Tools>>Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
2. Expand Sites and click on Data Entry. Double click on Application Settings.
3. A series of application settings that are relevant to Web Data Entry application is displayed.
4. The settings seen above are described below. Note that these settings directly correspond to web.config file in [drive] :\WebSTATISTICAPub\DataEntry on the server in case these settings need to be exported and migrated from one environment to another.
aspnet:MaxHttpCollectionKeys [Default: 9999] : This is a ASP.Net setting .Microsoft limits the maximum number of form keys,files in an HTTP request for security purposes. ASP.NET rejects requests that have more than this value of elements in a HTTP request.
AutoLoadQueryLabelValues [Default: True] : If set to true, Auto loads query label values if the query label has no dependencies or its dependencies have values defined on page load.
BlindDataEntryHideMatchingValue [Default: false] : If set to true, will hide the matching sample of blind data entry samples from Recent sample list
BlindDataEntryMakePrimaryOnSave [Default: false] : If set to true, then every time a sample is saved in a primary/matching pair it becomes the primary sample
BlindDataEntryPrepopulateMatchingSample [Default: false] : If set to true, then then when the matching sample is created it will pre-populate the primary sample's DE input values of a blind Data Entry Setup
BlindDataEntryShowUnmatchedValues [Default: false] : If set to true, when there are differences on sample save the value of the matching sample will be displayed to the user
ByColumnsFirstColumnWidth [Default : 110px] : Number of pixels that determine the width of the first column when displayed by Columns. (Refer to this article to understand display) To illustrate, increasing the number of pixels here would make the width of the first columns bigger
ByColumnsWidth [Default : 150px] : Would increase the columns width in pixels if increased. To illustrate,increasing the number of pixels here would :
ByRowsFirstColumnWidth [Default : 200px] : Increasing the number of pixels here would make the width of the first column while displaying Data Entry by rows (Refer to this article to understand display). Illustration of increasing this value is below :
ByRowsWidth [Default : 150px] : Increasing the pixels here will increase the width of rows displayed in the Data Entry Form. Illustration of increasing this value is below:
CommentNotRequiredOnApprove [Default: false] : If set to true, comment is only required when marking a samples as requires revision.
CompareSamplesCaseSensitive [Default: false] : If set to true, primary and matching samples will be compared with case sensitivity.
DateFormat [Default: ddMMMyy HH:mm]: Setting is used to format values retrieved from database, if blank uses the Enterprise Manager default date/time format
DateFormatLocale [Default:" "] : Enforce a specific locale for dates
DefaultDomainName[Default: [the domain that installation detects] ] : Allows user to login with domain account without typeing DOMAIN\ portion of the login
DisableDatePicker [Default: false] : If set to true, will disable the date picker control displayed for date labels
Date Picker Control is displayed below :
DisplayCharacteristicDescription[Default: false] : If set to true, will display the description of characteristics set in Enterprise Manager in the Data Entry form.
DisplayLabelDescription[Default: false]: If set to true, will display the description of input labels set in Enterprise Manager in the Data Entry form.
EditMaskChar [Default : _] : This setting is used only when the setting "UseEditMaskToEnforcePrecision" is set to true. Value set here is displayed by masked edit when nothing has been entered for a character
EditMaskInteger [Default: 9999999999] : Integer format string used when UseEditMaskToEnforcePrecision is enabled.
EmailFromAddress[Default: ] : The From E-mail address that used when sending validation status (Approval/ revision of a sample)
FixedHeaders [Default: True] : If set to false, the left column headers will not be in a fixed position ( will vary dependent on length of inputs)
GlobalRecentSamplesMaxNumber [Default: 100] : Maximum number of samples to retrieve for the recent samples listing . This settings limits samples in addition to the GlobalRecentSamplesNumberOfDays and applies to the global listing across all Data Entry Setups. Setting this to Blank causes the number of samples not to be limited (could cause performance issues)
GlobalRecentSamplesNumberOfDays [Default: ""] : Number of days worth of samples to retrieve for the recent samples listing. This setting applies to listing recent samples globally across all Data Entry Setups.Blank causes samples not to be filtered by date.
LingerTimeout [ Default:75] : When serialized session state is used, the time in seconds to linger the WBDE feature checkout i.e the Inactive seconds before a session in Data Entry would end and free up a license .
LoadSystemViewFoldersOnDemand [Default: false]: If set to true, it will dynamically populate system view folders.
LogAllSampleChanges [Default: false] : By default only changes made to a completed sample are logged. Setting this to true will capture all Sample changes made in the Audit log.
LoginMessage [Default: <p><u>This is example text that should be replaced. </u>This message uses HTML format. </p><p>An administrator will need to modify this text. It is configured via IIS. Select the <em>Start </em>menu, <em>Administrative Tools</em>,<em> Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager</em>. In the <em>Connections</em> section, open your <em>[server name] </em>and then <em>Sites</em>. Select and open <em>Default Web Site</em>. Now you can select <em>Data Entry</em>. Edit the ASP.NET Application Setting <em>LoginMessage</em>. Make sure the HTML is all on one line. New lines are not acceptable in the HTML. </p><p>Statistica Web Data Entry enables companies to configure data entry scenarios to allow data entry via Web browsers and the analysis of these data using all of the graphical data analysis, statistical analysis, and data mining capabilities of the Statistica Enterprise software platform <br /><br />Statistica Web Data Entry builds on the configuration objects in Statistica Enterprise:</p><ul> <li>Characteristics: Numeric data to be collected for analysis (e.g., pH)</li> <li>Labels: Text or date data for traceability (e.g., Lot Number)</li> <li>Data Entry Setups: Web form that contains groups of Characteristics and Labels configured with specific User/Group permissions to collect the appropriate data for particular scenarios</li> ] : Text displayed in the login page that can be modified with the instructions in the description if necessary
LogUserActivity [Default: false] : If set to true, will log user activity to the StatSoft event log
MainMenuMessage [Default: ""] : Text displayed in the main menu page
MasterPageLogo [Default:images/StatisticaGreen.png] :Image displayed in the upper left hand corner of pages
PromptForSampleSave [Default: false] : If set to true, then when the Save button is clicked user is prompted for an electronic signature
QueryLabelMaxEntries [Default: 1000] : Maximum entries displayed in a query label combo box
QueryTimeout [Default: ""] : Timeout value for all query operations
RecentSamplesLabels [Default: ""] : Labels to display in the recent batch grid, pipe delimited
RecentSamplesMaxNumber [Default: 100] : Maximum number of samples to retrieve for the recent samples listing. This settings limits samples in addition to the RecentSamplesNumberOfDays and applies to listing recent samples when a specific Data Entry Setup is selected. Blank causes the number of samples not to be limited (could cause performance issues)
RecentSamplesNumberOfDays [Default: ""] : Number of days worth of samples to retrieve for the recent samples listing. This setting applies to listing recent samples when a specific Data Entry Setup is selected
RecentSamplesPageSize [Default: 25] : Number of samples/rows displayed in Page 1 of the recent samples listing.
SampleUpdateTimeout [Default: 45] : Timeout value for sample save operations
SendEmailOnSampleApproval [Default : true] : If set to true and mail notification settings are correct in Enterprise Manager, will send an e-mail when a sample is approve or rejected
SendEmailOnSampleCompletion [Default : true]: If set to true and mail notification settings are correct in Enterprise Manager, will send an e-mail when a sample is completed
SortSystemView [Default : true] : If set to true, will sort the system view tree view display
TreeRecursionLevel [Default : 1] : Specify the recursion level for dynamically loading of the system view corresponding to setting :LoadSystemViewFoldersOnDemand
UniqueLabels [Default: ""] : Sample labels that must be unique across samples in a data entry setup, pipe delimited
UseDatabaseLock [Default: false]: If set to true, will serializes commit operations for sample save operations, approval operations, sample delete operations. It is there to maintain data integrity if WebDE is running across different processes/servers.
UseDateTimeLabelDisplayFormat [Default: true]: Specifies whether date/time labels should use the DateFormat configuration option or respect the display format configured in Enterprise Manager
UseEditMaskForDate[Default:true] : This is applicable only if DisableDatePicker is set to true. If Date Picker is disabled, then Data Entry will display an Edit mask indicating the format the date should be entered in.
UseEditMaskToEnforcePrecision [Default: false]: If enabled, will display the EditMaskChar for the precision expected of the user to enter
UseMTAObjects [Default: false]: Setting this to true would allow more scaling across a single thread (Allows for a single process use multiple cores)
WebSTATHost [Default : Webstatistica server name] : Hostname of the WebSTATISTICA server