Backing up of TIBCO LogLogic SEM correlation and aggregation rules

Backing up of TIBCO LogLogic SEM correlation and aggregation rules


Article ID: KB0077490


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO LogLogic Security Event Manager


The following files are backed up prior to being updated:

- pre-correlation.rules.xml
- aggregation.rules.xml
- post-correlation.rules.xml



This article explains how correlation and aggregation rules are backed up in case they need to be restored later.


The XML files mentioned above are saved in this folder:

When any one of these types of rules (pre-correlation or aggregation or post-correlation) is modified and the change is saved, the server will execute the following actions:
1. The active file is saved with a .old extension. The pre-existing .old file is deleted so that only one .old file exists.
2. The correlation or aggregation rules (with modifications) are saved in the XML file with the regular name and the xml extension.

[root@exabench1 EXABENCH1]# ll *.xml*
-rw-r--r-- 1 exaprotect exaprotect 65106 Jul 27 11:34 aggregation.rules.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 exaprotect exaprotect 65106 Jul 27 11:34 aggregation.rules.xml.old

If one aggregation rule is modified and the change is saved then the directory listing looks like this:
[root@exabench1 EXABENCH1]# ll *.xml*
-rw-r--r-- 1 exaprotect exaprotect 65240 Aug 2 16:41 aggregation.rules.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 exaprotect exaprotect 65106 Jul 27 11:34 aggregation.rules.xml.old

If another aggregation rule is modified then the listing looks like this after the change is saved:
[root@exabench1 EXABENCH1]# ll *.xml*
-rw-r--r-- 1 exaprotect exaprotect 65288 Aug 2 16:45 aggregation.rules.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 exaprotect exaprotect 65240 Aug 2 16:41 aggregation.rules.xml.old

As can be seen, the file with size 65240 is renamed to have a .old extension and the updated XML file uses the non-old extension.