Business Connect installation does not complete and is stuck at 100% for hours

Business Connect installation does not complete and is stuck at 100% for hours


Article ID: KB0076663


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessConnect 7.X


When installing BC 7.X, the install script gets stuck at 100% for hours as below :
Enter '1' to continue, '2' to go back to the previous panel, or '3' cancel: [1] 1

TIBCO Universal Installer - Execute Product ANT Tasks

Checking if there are any product ANT tasks to be run....

Cleaning up...

TIBCO Universal Installer - Install Assemblies

Installing Component 1 of 3

Installing: TIBCO BusinessConnect 7.x.x
Installing assembly: Business Connect Interior Server
Installing assembly: Business Connect Core Samples
Installing assembly: product_tibco_bc_core_is_admin
Installing assembly: Business Connect Core Libraries
Installing assembly: Business Connect Tools
Installing assembly: Business Connect Interior Server Documentation
Percent Complete = 100%
Installing Component 2 of 3

Installing Component 3 of 3

Installing: TIBCO Wrapper
Installing assembly: product_tibco_wrapper
Percent Complete = 100%

We can see that BC 7.X has been installed under TIBCO_HOME/_installinfo directory, but there are no BC files under TIBCO_HOME/bc/7.x/bin directory.

The installation seems to have been hung on updating '/u01/ file as we can see from the installation logs:
(06-14-2019.101914), ::INFO::, Vpd Registry file to update'/u01/'
(06-14-2019.101914), ::INFO::, Vpd Registry file can be written to
(06-14-2019.101914), ::INFO::, Adding vpd entries for feature Interior Server'
(06-14-2019.101914), ::INFO::, Found vpdentry - compid: 'bc' version: '' installLocation '/u01/tibco/bc/7.x'name: 'bc' displayName: 'bc' description: 'TIBCO BusinessConnect' prodid: 'bcdependency: '' level: '2' createuninstdir: 'false


Business Connect installation does not complete and is stuck at 100% for hours


Linux: Red Hat 6.3


Move the file /u01/ to /u01/ and restart the installation.

The installation will succeed.

Additional Information

vpd, Percent Complete = 100%