Business Studio 4.2 seems to hang 'Building Workspace' after importing a large project

Business Studio 4.2 seems to hang 'Building Workspace' after importing a large project


Article ID: KB0079643


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO BPM Enterprise (formerly TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM) 4.2


After importing , it may hang 'Building Business Objects from WSDLs/XSDs', it is possible to view the current operation by clicking on the icon in the bottom right hand corner:


"Shows Background Operations in Progress View"

On a Windows 7 laptop there may be no errors, but the executable may have high CPU usage and a memory size that seems to have hit a maximum, on Windows 2012 R2 there may well be a Java heap error.


After importing a project in Business Studio 4.2 from a project that was perhaps previously created in a lower version of Business Studio, it may hang Building Business Objects from WSDLs/XSDs


Windows 7 Professional - 64bit Windows 2012 R2 - 64bit


It may be necessary to reduce the size of the project to speed up the build time, as per case 623526. However, the following helped with this scenario:

1). Close / End Business Studio and edit the file:


2). Change the following heap size value from:


To something like:


3). Save and exit then retry to build the project.

4). Monitor with "Shows Background Operations in Progress View" and check the process memory size in task manager.

A project which after a number of hours failed to complete and seemed to hang "Building Business Objects from WSDLs/XSDs", took 20 minutes to complete with the larger heap size.

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