BusinessConnect configuration csx file import

BusinessConnect configuration csx file import


Article ID: KB0076384


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessConnect 6.X.X, 7.X.X


When trying to import the entire BusinessConnect configuration csx file via the Administrator GUI, it is fails and logs out. Is there an alternate way to import the BusinessConnect configuration into the Administrator domain?


Is there an alternate way to import BusinessConnect configuration .csx file if the import fails through the Administrator?


Product: TIBCO BusinessConnect Version: 6.X.X, 7.X.X OS: All Supported Operating Systems


Here are some alternatives:

1. Increase the java.heap.size.max value to a higher value in Administrator tra file ($TIBCO_HOME\administrator\domain\<your domain name>\bin\tibcoadmin_domain-name.tra), and then restart the Administrator from the command line. Then try to import the same BusinessConnect configuration csx file in the Administrator GUI.  If you are running the Administrator as a Windows service, you will have to modify this value in the Windows Registry under the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\TIBCOAdmin-<your domain name>\Parameters

2. Alternatively without Administrator GUI, you can use the BusinessConnect AppManage Tool  (\\tibco\bc\6.x\tools\bcappmanage). You can find more information in TIBCO BusinessConnect™ Scripting Deployment user guide in \\tibco\bc\<version>\doc\.  If increased memory is needed for bcappmanage, you can use the same parameter (java.heap.size.max) in the bcappmanage.tra file

Additional Information

TIBCO BusinessConnect™ Scripting Deployment user guide