BusinessEvents worker machine state says 'unreachable' in the TEA Server web ui

BusinessEvents worker machine state says 'unreachable' in the TEA Server web ui


Article ID: KB0072530


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessEvents Enterprise Edition 6.x


NOTE: For clarity, the following terminology is used in this article:
  • BE TEA Agent machine - The machine which runs the BE TEA Agent
  • BE worker machine - The BE machine that you added in the TEA Server web ui for the BusinessEvents product. This machine receives deployment requests from the BE TEA Agent machine.
In some cases, an available BE worker machine may still show a status of "unreachable" in the TEA Server web ui. This can occur even when deployment requests sent to the BE worker machine are successful.

unreachable in TEA


In some cases, an available BE worker machine may still show a status of "unreachable" in the TEA Server web ui. This article clarifies why this can occur and how to get the TEA Server web ui to show an appropriate status of "reachable".


If you see this behavior, it indicates that ICMP echo requests sent from the BE TEA Agent machine to the BE worker machine are being blocked. To confirm, login to the BE TEA Agent machine, and attempt to ping the IP address of the BE worker machine:
 $ ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. ^C --- ping statistics --- 5 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 4162ms

The above example shows 100% packet loss, and no successful pings. You can also enable debug-level logging for the BE TEA Agent, and look for messages like..
 2022 Feb 21 12:01:11.016 GMTZ DEBUG host-pinger [service.impl.BEMasterHostManagementServiceImpl] - machine0 is Unreachable

To resolve, ensure that inbound ICMP echo requests, sent from the BE TEA Agent machine, can be received on the BE worker machine. Consult with your IT team as needed to confirm any changes you may need to make with respect to firewalls or other security settings that are relevant for your machines. Once ICMP echo requests are enabled, the status should change to "reachable":

reachable in TEA

NOTE: If your IT team will not allow echo requests, deployments will still succeed if you have properly configured SSH (tcp port 22) and JMX (tcp port 5500, by default) between the BE TEA Agent machine and the BE worker machine.

For details on how to configure SSH key-based authentication (i.e. "password-less authentication"), refer to the Knowledge article: "How to configure SSH key-based authentication between the BE TEA Agent and a BE Worker machine".

For details on how to configure JMX communication, refer to the Knowledge article: "BusinessEvents application instance can be started from TEA, but cannot be monitored in TEA".