CIS Repository Password Change

CIS Repository Password Change


Article ID: KB0080609


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Spotfire Advanced Data Services 6.2.X


This KB describes how to reconfigure the Cisco Information Server (CIS) so that it uses a new password in order to access its repository database (DB).


This KB describes how to reconfigure the Cisco Information Server (CIS) so that it uses a new password in order to access its repository database (DB).


Product: TIBCO Spotfire Advanced Data Services Version: 6.2.x OS:All Supported Operating Systems --------------------


Complete these steps in order to reconfigure CIS so that it uses the new password to access its repository database:

  1. Change the password for the corresponding user. 

    Here is an example:  
    mysql> update user set password=PASSWORD('<PASSWORD_IN_CLEAR_TEXT>') where user='cs060205';
    mysql> commit;
    mysql> flush privileges

  2. Make a backup of the server_values.xml file located in <CIS_INSTALL>/conf/server.
  3. Export the repository configuration file and save it into
    repo_util.bat -exportConfig >

  4. Open the server_values.xml file and locate these lines: 

  5. Replace the encrypted value with the new unencrypted password.  

    Here is an example:

  6. Modify with a clear text password, which was set in Step 5.

    For more information, refer to Sample File .
  7. Run repo_util.bat/.sh in order to load new

    Here is an example:
    repo_util.bat -updateConfig -configFile
    repo_util -listConfig

  8. Restart the Composite Server service.

Additional Information

External: CIS Repository Password Change